Systemic approach

We support organizations to create systemic change in the contexts in which they work. In other words, we encourage addressing the underlying constraints hindering people in developing sustainable livelihoods, rather than treating the symptoms of a sub-optimal system or context. We do this by using the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach, which aims to remove constraints in market systems and value chains so the poor participate and benefit better. We understand the complexity caused by poverty and inequality, hence the need to address these structural issues in a systemic way. We place innovation at the centre of our services, thereby promoting creativity in everything that we do.

With our value chain selection guidelines, we support organizations to select value chains that offer opportunities to create systemic change and fit their strategic programming. Using our value chain and market systems analysis tools, including the MSD doughnut and the ValueLinks methodology, we support organizations to get a profound understanding of the market system and value chain researched. We also coach project teams to design projects, MSD results chains, partnerships, interventions, and MEL systems to create and measure systemic change.