Food & Nutrition Security
Food and nutrition security exists when all people, at all times, have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences, and requires resilient food systems. Fair & Sustainable strives to contribute to a just and sustainable global food system. We provide a variety of services, ranging from the analysis of livelihoods and farming systems, to value chain development support through project formulation, stakeholder consultation and capacity-building.
Climate Resilience
Climate resilience includes supporting proper land management and soil and water conservation, as well as the establishment of social systems able to mitigate the impacts of extreme events. Fair & Sustainable aims to contribute to climate resilience through services focussed on sustainable agriculture and inclusive value chains. We do so through project formulation, stakeholder consultation, facilitation, capacity-building, financial service provision, and monitoring and evaluation.
Business and Human Rights
Fair & Sustainable aim to contribute to a world in which people, especially marginalized and vulnerable people, have a voice and know how to claim their basic human rights. As such, we promote the use of a ‘human rights lens’ in value chain development, market systems, and the broader political environment. We offer support in analysing the human rights impact of interventions, how to prevent risks, and how to develop a responsible and sustainable business and economy through applied research, analysis, and practical tools.
Sustainability Standards & Certification
Sustainability standards and certificates have been developed to address issues of environmental quality, social equity and economic prosperity of (global) production and trade practices, especially in agricultural and food value chains. They can be an instrument for businesses to minimise risks and to assure customers of practices used to produce goods. Sustainability standards can also serve as a tool for NGOs and governments to promote sustainable impacts. However, the multitude of sustainability standards shows significant differences in terms of their goals, target group, geographic diffusion and procedures.
Living Wage and Living Income
It’s our mission to work on sustainable livelihoods and increased income. As a standard for a ‘decent income’ we promote the concepts of living wage and living income as a benchmark in the work that we do with our clients. Through training, support, and advice on how to bridge the gap between the current and the desired situation, we work with clients who are ready to take concrete steps to achieve wage improvements for workers in their supply chain(s).