Good planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL) within your organisation or programme helps you to reflect on the performance, achievement of results and impacts of your activities. Good PMEL facilitates learning and enhances your performance, management and implementation. Good PMEL will highlight and reduce wastage of resources on less relevant strategies or activities, thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your programme or enterprise.
Fair & Sustainable provides support to the design of PMEL systems, especially in programmes aiming for a Market System Development (MSD) approach. This includes the review, development or reconstruction of the Theory of Change (ToC), Logical framework, impact pathways, result chains and indicators. We believe that improvement happens through a series of small steps and constant practicing and learning by management and staff themselves. F&S has the capacity and the experience to guide and coach PMEL system implementation, as to ensure PMEL is feasible, pragmatic, manageable and meaningful.
F&S contributes to the learning of organisations through specific assessments, workshops and exchanges about particular subject matters, e.g., on gender issues in value chains or rural finance in value chains.
F&S also implements external evaluations with a strong focus on, and active engagement in, generating and sharing key learnings, and a participatory approach that includes staff and all important stakeholders. External evaluations are good tools to assess and improve the quality and the implementation of PMEL systems. We connect and triangulate data from different sources and focus on the impact on different (target) groups. See the separate section.
Recent Projects
Improving Market Access for the Poor (IMA4P) – VSO UK, 2019
Final Evaluation and synthesis study with a strong focus on the learning approach and on adaptive management of the project team.
Consultant: Ben Haagsma
Development of TOC & Monitoring System – Civic Engagement Alliance, 2015-2020
Design the Theory of Change and pathways, monitoring progress of the Civic Engagement Alliance, and adjusting the TOC due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Consultant: Hettie Walters
Result chains and monitoring advice on STARS program – ICCO, 2016-2021
Development of results chains, indicators, Kobo Collect data collection system, and data analysis.
Consultant: André Vording
Result chains and monitoring advice MAVC program – ICCO, 2015-2019
Development of results chains, indicators, Kobo Collect data collection system, and data analysis
Consultant: André Vording
FARM program in DRC – Mercy Corps, 2017-2021
Development of three result chains and indicators.
Consultants: Victor van der Linden, André Vording