Can Black Soldier Fly production in East Africa live up to its potential?
BSF is still in its infancy and knowledge on the value chain remains limited. This research contributes to more in-depth-knowledge on the BSF value chain in Kenya and Uganda
F&S trains starting Black Soldier Fly farmers on entrepreneurship and business skills in Nakuru, Kenya
Fair & Sustainable Consulting, together with DanChurchAid (DCA), is supporting youth to set up commercial Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Farms in Nakuru county.
Eight young entrepreneurs to start new commercial Black Soldier Fly farms in Nakuru
Five months ago, Fair and Sustainable Consulting (F&S) and DanChurchAid (DCA) embarked on a journey to find the best young entrepreneurs in Nakuru County to set up commercial Black Soldier Fly (BSF) farms under the umbrella of Fair & Sustainable Insect Farms.
The story of a young BSF entrepreneur
In January 2021 Fair & Sustainable consulting has started a pilot Black Soldier Fly farm in Eldoret, Kenya. Everlyne Songoi is the owner of this farm. This blog post describes her story.