PAC PME launches fourth and final cohort
Recently, PAC PME successfully launched its fourth and final cohort in Ségou town. At the time of writing, the first mentor intervision and peer coaching event for the entrepreneurs are taking place.
[Récemment, PAC PME a lancé avec succès sa quatrième et dernière cohorte dans la ville de Ségou. Au moment d’écrire ces lignes, le premier événement d’intervision de mentors et de coaching par les pairs pour les entrepreneurs a lieu]
PAC PME launches second and third cohort
On March 23 and 24, PAC PME organized two bootcamps for the entrepreneurs and mentors of its third cohort.The bootcamps have resulted in the selection of 26 entrepreneurs, and 13 new mentors.
[Les 23 et 24 mars derniers, PAC PME a organisé deux bootcamps pour les entrepreneurs et mentors de sa troisième cohorte. Les bootcamps ont permis de sélectionner 26 entrepreneurs et 13 nouveaux mentors.]
Dembel Emboch (Water Hyacinth) Products Pilot
Update of the progress in the Dembel Emboch Products Pilot, which is centered on water hyacinth and entreprensurship.
F&S trains main actors in the mango value chain in Guinea
From 20 to 24 June 2019, F&S gave a training in Kindia (Guinea) for all companies and organizations that are involved in the mango value chain. During the training, main actors involved in the mango sector were trained to gain a common comprehension of ways to analyse and develop the mango sector.