Can Black Soldier Fly production in East Africa live up to its potential?
BSF is still in its infancy and knowledge on the value chain remains limited. This research contributes to more in-depth-knowledge on the BSF value chain in Kenya and Uganda
Practical guidance on gender inclusion in the palm oil industry
RSPO aims to make the palm oil sector fair and sustainable, for this purpose the RSPO standard includes gender-related Principles and Criteria (P&C).
The potential of moringa and baie rose from Madagascar
Interested in superfood Moringa or gourmand food Baie Rose (pink peppercorn) from Madagascar?
F&S’ adapted services for value chains during COVID-19
Fair & Sustainable Consulting (F&S) offers services on value chain development in adapted format now that many value chain projects and programmes are affected by COVID-19 measures.
Is Moringa a miracle tree?
The leaves of the “Miracle Tree” Moringa oleifera are becoming more and popular among health-conscious consumers all over the world. Dasha Gretchikhine – intern at Fair & Sustainable Consulting – dived into the complex matter of Moringa’s nutritional content and its retention throughout cultivation and processing.
ValueLinks as a useful tool for identifying economic opportunities: the case of threatened forest landscape in Madagascar
These are the results of a study carried out by Fair & Sustainable Consulting (F&S) for the GIZ Sectoral Programme “International Forest Policy” (SV IWP) in Madagascar.
F&S trains main actors in the mango value chain in Guinea
From 20 to 24 June 2019, F&S gave a training in Kindia (Guinea) for all companies and organizations that are involved in the mango value chain. During the training, main actors involved in the mango sector were trained to gain a common comprehension of ways to analyse and develop the mango sector.
Impact via exports: a selection of export-oriented value chains in five African countries
F&S was hired by CBI to conduct a value chain selection in Egypt, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Central was exploring opportunitiess to make these value chains more inclusive and fair while increasing export to Europe.
Value chain analysis and selection, Malawi
F&S was awaded a contract by GIZ to perform an in-depth value chain analysis for the selection of value chains and inclusive business models in Malawi.
Market and value chain analysis, Tanzania
Studies on the beans and cassava value chains were conducted in support of the Sustainable Agriculture Kigoma Regional Project (SAKiRP) to facilitate value chain development.