The Ethio-German Financial Cooperation: Vocational Education and Agricultural Training Programme Phase 4, is part of an ongoing support for the TVET education system in Ethiopia, financed by the German Financial Cooperation via KFW.
The major objectives of the programme are:
- To improve the teacher training at the satellites of the TVET teacher training Institute (TI) through access to practice-relevant training, and improved learning and teaching facilities and methods for teachers;
- To provide access to better practice-relevant training (“level 5 of the ETQF”) for technicians at selected Lead Cluster Institutes (LCIs);
- To provide access to better practice-relevant training (“level 5 of the ETQF”) for technicians at selected Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) Colleges; and
- To educate gender sensitive graduates, and offer equal opportunities for female students.
Especially with regard to integrating gender sensitive strategy into TVET management, Fair & Sustainable (F&S) Ethiopia – in partnership with Niras – IP Consult and MDF – has been contributing to the programme through a number of activities, including facilitation, and provision of trainings and capacity building workshops for members of targeted TVET colleges and institutions in Ethiopia.
Niras-IP Consult, the lead consulting firm, is assigned to assist the Ethiopian Ministry of Education in the implementation of the German Financial cooperation contribution in various measures/activities in the TVET sub-sector. In collaboration with MDF, F&S gender consultant, Hibiete Tesfaye has been undertaking various tasks of training and coaching, as well as participating in the development of manuals relevant to effectively frame quality TVET management, and equip the TVET community and stakeholders.
On March 2021, MDF and F&S completed developing four manuals based on, and with inputs from a series of workshops and trainings conducted since June 2020. The manuals are entitled:
- Framework for sustainable management and implementation of early child care centres in TVET colleges in Ethiopia (gender sensitive investment: early child care – ECC)
- Framework for sustainable management and implementation of a first aid facility in TVET colleges in Ethiopia (gender sensitive investment; first aid room management)
- Framework for sustainable management of sanitation and hygiene in TVET (gender sensitive investment; sanitation and hygiene management)
- Sport for Gender Equality: gender sensitive framework for sustainable management and implementation in TVET colleges in Ethiopia
With successful accomplishment of its objectives, the programme will contribute to the National TVET strategy and to Ethiopia´s vision to become a middle-income country by the year 2025.