About us
Fair & Sustainable Consulting is an international consultancy company and social enterprise. We envision a world with decent incomes and sustainable livelihoods for all. We advise our clients on how to create sustainable economic opportunities through our core themes of Responsible Business, Value Chain Development, and Program Management. Our clients are based throughout Africa, Asia, and South America.
F&S currently has offices in The Netherlands, Ethiopia, and Kenya. We have successfully engaged with over 50 international and local clients and completed more than 800 assignments. We strongly believe in the value of partnerships and collaboration, embracing knowledge sharing, learning, and shared expertise in our approach. Through our regional presence, our diverse teams of local and international consultants, and our extensive network of associate consultants, we ensure that our advice and services are always embedded in the local context.
The Netherlands office
Fair & Sustainable in the Netherlands has a thematic focus on living income & living wage, market systems development, inclusive rural finance, gender in value chains, youth employment & entrepreneurship, business development, and external evaluations. Our office in the Netherlands works largely with European clients. Clients we work with include companies which are active in low- and middle-income countries on issues like responsible sourcing, inclusive value chains and living wage, NGO’s working on the design and implementation of economically viable projects and programs based on the principles of Market Systems Development, and government and multilateral agencies with the aim of implementing studies, trainings, and evaluations.
With our team from the Netherlands, we work across the globe, in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Focus areas: Living Income & Living Wage, Market Systems Development, Inclusive Rural Finance, Gender in Value Chains, Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship, Business Development, and External Evaluations. For a complete overview, see “Services”
Ethiopia office
Fair & Sustainable Consulting Ethiopia has a thematic focus on value chain analysis and development, gender in value chains, market systems development, and PMEL. In addition, we focus on knowledge management, training, business development, and coaching to support development endeavors. We are active in East Africa, and have a strong track record of working with both national and international organizations. We have been hosting the AgriProFocus network in Ethiopia, while also co-implementing the Food Security and Rural Entrepreneurship Innovation Fund. Currently, we are co-implementing the RESET Plus Resilience Innovation Fund, financed by the European Union Delegation to Ethiopia.
Focus areas: Value Chain Analysis & Development, Gender in Value Chains, Market Systems Development, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
Kenya office
Fair & Sustainable Consulting Kenya has a thematic focus on gender in value chains and women economic empowerment, value chain analysis and development, youth entrepreneurship, and SME development. We deliver our services in East Africa. One of our key activities is our initiative to promote Black Soldier Fly farming in Kenya.
Focus areas: Value Chain Analysis & Development, Gender in Value Chains, Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship