Food & Nutrition security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. It is foundational to the mindset and operations of smallholders world-wide. Food and nutrition security has four dimensions- food availability, food access, utilization, and stability- and is closely linked to nutrition security. It requires resilient food systems that ensure that food is available and affordable to all, and is of good quality and nutritional value. Investments and development interventions in agricultural value chains have diverse impacts on this, and can be positive or negative.
Fair & Sustainable strives to contribute to just and sustainable global food systems. Such a food system enables everyone to have a healthy, nutritious diet that is founded on the basic human right to food, and is defined by people in the local context. F&S contributes to resilient food systems by promoting inclusive value chains. We provide a variety of services, ranging from the analysis of livelihoods, farming systems, and value chains, to value chain development support through project formulation, stakeholder consultation, facilitation, capacity-building, and monitoring and evaluation among others.
Recent Projects
Dutch development policies in West Africa – WUR, 2021
Alignment of Dutch public policies on Food & Nutrition Security, Private Sector Development and Agribusiness.
Consultant: Peter Ton
Mid-Term Review of the Dutch Embassy funded Projet d’Appui à la Productivité Agricole au Burundi (PAPAB-C2) – IFDC, 2018
Mid-Term Review of the Dutch-funded Agricultural Productivity Support Project in Burundi on the integrated household approach (Plan Intégré Paysan – PIP).
Consultant: Peter Ton
Follow the Food: Dutch agribusiness and food security in Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya – NWO/WOTRO, 2015-2020
Research on the effects of business models of foreign investors on local food security, together with State University Utrecht and Solidaridad.
Consultants: Wilfried Schasfoort, Annelien Meerts, Marjoleine Motz